Who's Falling In Love With You?

Who's falling in love with you?

Buying you is an opportunity to spend time with you.

That’s true whatever you’re selling.

People buy a story, an idea, a mirror.

We see it in politics; people don't buy the person, they buy the idea, a story which gives home to their thoughts, worries, fears and hopes. This was true for 75m who bought Donald. And those who bought Obama too. Yes We Can, anyone? People bought an idea which made them feel better and safe and heard, which gave expression to their thoughts, ideas, worries and hopes.

(An aside: these feelings don’t go away when the people do, but that’s a story for another day).

And we see it almost everywhere else too.

Selling a course?
Selling advice?
Selling stuff?

People are buying an idea. They’re buying an opportunity to spend time with the idea of you.

As such, you’ve got to stand for something. No point trying to appeal to the masses. You’ll appeal to nobody.

People will buy what you’re selling because they believe it will make them look good/feel better/safe/loved/heard/cared for. Because they love it. No love, no buy. Not really.

Be bold.

Who's falling in love with you?

ben johnson