A Belated Spring Clean?

I don’t like endings.

Beginnings are hard too. Sitting to write this a struggle.

If we don’t end well, we make beginnings impossible. With each fuzzy ending, we carry a little of the old into the new and with it starve the new of the full pool of energy and drive which it deserves.

We do this in our personal lives. We do this at work.

How many projects, clients, ideas sit on the ‘to do’ list? How many remain unfinished or incomplete?

How many clients are passed their sell by date? Maybe it’s bigger than that. Is your job or your company passed its sell by date?

Even when we know, we hold on.

“I can’t afford to change it.”

Or similar. Sure, there is undoubtedly truth in this. But it’s also an excuse.

In saying goodbye we invite new growth. We re-energise. We recharge the bottle.

We have deep pools of wisdom, insight and creativity waiting to rise up to meet the challenge of the day. Old clients, incomplete projects, an ageing ‘to do’ list, suck the life from these pools. They’re not worth it.

Say goodbye to the old and invite the new.