"We’ve Already Put Our Prices Up."

Oh, ok then.

What, all of them? In each case and in every situation?

Charging each client in the same way all the time and you’re doing them a disservice.

No two projects are the same. No two clients are the same. No two Monday’s.

What something is worth changes case by case, subject to a whole range of prevailing conditions. I might need help to quickly fix a technical problem. I might need help speculating on the future. I might have an urgent client problem. I might need support on a £25m bid. Or a £250 project.

In each case, the support I need, or help I want, might be broadly similar, yet it’s value is materially different.

If we’re selling to clients and we don’t take the time to know this, we’re doing them a disservice.

Especially if we likely pretend that “we start by listening to you…” (which is no more than short hand for inserting a ‘strategy’ piece into the front end of a project which we think / hope / believe comes with extra money).

Even more importantly, if we don’t take time to know the client’s context, we’re likely leaving money on the table; money a client would willingly have paid you to solve their problem.

If you charge each client in the same way, you’re doing them a disservice.

And compromising what you can and should earn.

You can’t get paid for the value you create if you don’t know the problem you’re really solving.

And if you want to know how, Money Talks.

Business, Workben johnson