Three Things Necessary To Unlock The Opportunity You're Working On.

Changing an industry, shifting the norms, starting and creating the new isn’t easy. 

You already know that. 

Sure, if it goes to shit we can go again. We’ve done it before. We know that.

But do you want to fail?

Letting people down.

Losing face.

Of course we don’t.

We want to succeed. 

But succeeding isn’t static. 

Each new phase of success is another doorway to pass through. 

If your business is in a different place to last year, you are in a different place to last year. 

If you’re in the same place, well, yes, you are in the same place. 

If you are on a journey to shift, change and / or create an industry, a movement, you need to embrace the journey too. 

You need to get uncomfortable. 

You need to be held to account. 

You need to learn from and play with others. Maybe those better than you. Not just the friendly and familiar.

You need to see and acknowledge the blind spots. The things you know are important but fear you don’t do well enough. 

For me, its attention to detail. I know it’s important but I can be cavalier. 

Or planning. Taking time to think things through is important to how I work. And then I’m all impulse, intuition. In effect, hopeful guessing.

What am I not seeing? 

If you want your business to succeed, there is no plateau where you’re on top of things, where it’s comfortable, where it gets easier. 

Either you keep stepping through the doorway to something bigger and newer or you’re going nowhere.

This is supposed to be uncomfortable. 

How you think, feel, act and behave is an evolution. 

How you run and organise your business is dynamic. It should improve iteratively. 

We believe in the pioneers, the entrepreneurs, the entrepreneurially minded.

We think the world needs people who work to create anew, to change their markets, their businesses, the societies they live and work in. 

So, those three things?

1) Impact is arrived at slowly, over years not months.

2) Its arrived at by stepping into the awkward, the uncomfortable, time and time again.  

3) Its arrived at iteratively. 

You + isn’t that exciting.

Are you willing to embrace the change that delivering your vision actually requires?