Episode Seven : Who doesn’t want a little peace and calm?

Who doesn’t want a little peace and calm?

In this episode of Peripheral Thinking, I speak to Martin Alyward. Martin is a long established Buddhist meditation teacher - my teacher, as it happens.

As humans, we create drama - our needy, greedy, crazy, lazy minds need no invitation. We obsess about what we did or didn’t say, did or didn’t do. We wander around dreaming, lost in thought. As if life wasn’t stressful enough: businesses crashing, the systems on which we’ve depended for 50/60(/000 years) crumbling, the very earth wilting.

And we wonder why we’re having trouble sleeping or struggle to find peace and calm. I spoke to Martin about Buddhism, its relevance and usefulness today, given the myriad challenges and worries we face.

Sit back and enjoy and let Martin point you to a journey of ‘waking up’; worry not, caves, robes and renouncing your family not obligatory. Rather, instead, follow your internal signals and worry less about what you’re ‘supposed’ to attain.

ben johnson