You Need To Put Your Prices Up.

What you charge sends a signal.

To the market, to you.

It says I am quality and reliable and worth your time and effort.

It says “I am different, better, more helpful/reliable/valuable”. Or it might say: “I am the same as everyone else’.

Are you?

What you charge speaks to prospective customers, clients. It speaks it to you too.

Put your prices up.

And you’ll have more money. And that’s important because it’s your engine fuel.

Whatever flavour of business you’re in, whatever your goals or ambition or motivations, whether social economic, personal or commercial. And I hope it’s social, but that’s just me.

And it’s an invitation too. An invitation to grow and change your business, to elevate, to rise up. You know your impact is waiting for new clients, a more prominent stage?

Put your prices up. It an invitation; to the new clients you want to work with. To your own mind. It will change how you feel, how you talk, how you present. It will help you believe in what you know to be true.

That you really are worth it.

Put your prices up.

Try it. Today.

Oh… and when you find yourself saying…

”I can’t”.

”Now is not a good time”.

”I’ll be too expensive”.

”I’m already too expensive”.

”I charge enough”.

”My prices are fine”.

”I am benchmarked”.

….. and then you do nothing.

Then definitely put them up.

These are not reasons, they’re excuses.

If you want your business, your practise, your effort to grow in impact and reach and scale and enjoyment, put your prices up.

And if you don’t, fine. Stay as you are.

If you’d like to know how, join our course MoneyTalks, a programme to price well, feel good and earn more.