A Whole And Decent Life Can Be Lived In A Small Village

The old ideas are the best.

They have stood the test of time.

Lao Tzu, the wizardy old Daoist, said a whole and decent life can be lived in a small village.

What was true then is true now.

Rather than chasing many clients and customers, really serve a few.

Rather than chasing 'year on year' growth, work on 'year on year' change; constantly improving, evolving, shifting.

Continual change in service of the few; those key partners, clients, customers and relationships with whom you are closest. Not the many. The few.

These people and businesses represent your small village.

If you serve them well, serve them creatively, adapting and evolving as they do, your business, your work, will live a whole and decent life too.

ben johnson