They Will Not Choose You.

Coffee shops open and close all the time.

Why do some succeed and others fail?

The coffee is broadly similar. The food of the same loaf. Nice enough surroundings.

But one survives and another dies.

Of course, that’s the law of the land; not all coffee shops can succeed, just as not all projects, businesses or ideas can succeed.

So why do some thrive and others die?

Does the atmosphere smile?

Is it warm, friendly, engaging? Is it a place I would choose to spend time? Places where people are happy, return and come back? Places which emanate a glow, a warmth.

What are the constituents of warmth? Look and feel, lighting, comfy chairs, the attitude and demeanor of the people who work there. These fuse to imbue a feeling of warmth. And warm places attract warm people; people keen to connect, to get out.

If true for a coffee shop, it might be true for our companies and organisations too. People - whether customers or prospective employees, will choose to spend time with your business and organisation if it glows, if it reflects the warmth we seek in the world.

Apply the coffee shop test: is your business a place where people would choose to spend their time?

ben johnson