Are You Your Team's Problem?

Teams get stuck in rabbit holes. Chasing and forcing decisions about this or that.

Decisions are easier when context is clearer.

Why are we doing this? Who is it for?

Get your teams out of the immediacy of their day-to-day. Give them context, perspective, help them reconnect to the bigger goal, the organisational purpose.

The broader your teams perspective, the greater their understanding, the more dynamically they’ll think.

Give them space and clarity of direction and you’ll unleash a creative, adaptive, free thinking organisation.

This doesn’t happen by accident. It happens by design; it’s about taking time each week, each month or quarter to step out of the day-to-day, to connect (and reconnect) with the purpose.

You are the leader. This is your job. Get out, make it happen. It’s how dynamic, adaptive, resilient organisations (and leaders) behave.

Written for Finding X