Hey Linkedin. Aim For Better?

Finding your least boring job is the promise of a Linkedin ad campaign running now. Use Linkedin and find a job you will not find boring. 

Is the best we can do?

I get it. Lots of people are in jobs they don’t like for people they don’t respect. A sorry place to be. 

It’s also a waste of talent, of insight, of the deep wells of ingenuity we all carry, as people, on our day to day journey. 

Humans are marvels. We are creative, ingenious, persistent, smart, connected and able. Look at what we have built up. Sure, we’ve let our successes run away from us. Lost focus somewhat, got a little high on our own supply. And with it we’ve set a collision course with the planet we call home. 

Given that very collision course, do we not need, more than ever, that very same ingenuity, creativity, persistence and undoubted marvellousness which hides, buried deep in each and everyone of us? 

Do we not have a personal responsibility to find, create and do work we enjoy, for people we respect? Is this not a baseline requirement? And when this responsibility is met, might we not then ask another question: how can I marshall the creative resources I too have been generously endowed to contribute to a healthier, happier workforce and planet? Fear not, I’m not asking you to single handedly avert the planetary crisis, or the social, economic or commercial crises, but we all have a responsibility, an opportunity even. 

I can’t do everything. But I can’t do nothing. 

Between these two things, what do i choose to do?

Whatever your personal response, alleviating boredom it probably isn’t. 

Dear Linkedin too. 

Do you not have a responsibility to marshall the resources of your platform to help people realise that theirs is an opportunity to aim higher? 

The opportunity is to create workplaces and work which activates the best of who we are, the best of the skills and creativity and energy which comes with these genes. 

Linkedin, you have a platform. People are watching. Use it to shift the dial, to empower, inspire and move people on. 

I get it. You can’t do everything. But you can’t do nothing.