To Grow Or Not To Grow. Is that the question?

To grow or not to grow. 
Is that the question?

That we’re growing is pretty important to our healthy functioning.

Maybe a better question:

What are you growing?

We live in a culture organised on the idea of growth. Money mainly. 
Grow more money for your company. Grow more money for you. JUST GROW MORE BLOODY #MONEY. Make it more this year than last and we’re all good.

Except are we?

That need to keep on growing…

How is that possible on a finite planet?

Economists argue that it’s fine.

Climate scientists argue otherwise.

We’ve already overshot many of the boundaries which make for healthy functioning planet, which might suggest growth at all costs is costing us.

And here’s the thing - does the need for perpetual growth make you happy? I think not.

Often times it means running ever faster to stand still.

It means wringing ever more out of your #company pot.

I’m not anti #innovation either.

i am interested in healthy cycles, of letting things go to invite new growth and celebrate growth in its broadest forms: in #wellbeing , in shared resources, in learning and contentment.

The etymology of wealth is actually well health.

Lets grow that instead.

Business, The Mind, Work, Natureben johnson