What's the most important thing you're working on, and why?

Simplicity and clarity.

Clear and simple.

What is the most important thing you're working on this year, and why?

How is it different to what you said last year or the year before?

And if it's not different, why expect anything new to come to pass?

If it's 'growth' - to grow your company - well, for starters, that's easy talk. Maybe even a little lazy.

But if it is growth, why should it come to pass?

I was talking to a client - they shared their new target for the year ahead which translates to significantly more money than last year.

The analogy we explored was that of a tree.

There's you, happily growing along - you've been that tall for how long now? 1, 5, 10 years? And now you're expecting / wanting / demanding a growth spurt. Your teenage years are behind you, my friend. The tree is as tall as it'll be. Unless you do something radical.

Cut a tree back and it'll encourage new growth. Likewise, take a cutting and replant it elsewhere; there's an opportunity for significant new growth.

Expect your same tree to suddenly enjoy a growth spurt - that's just wishful tree thinking.

If you want to grow... what will you cut back first? What will you stop?

Or, if growth is really important, which little bit of your existing tree are you willing / brave enough to extract and replant?

Maybe instead do something even more bold: abandon growth as a target for the year. What if you focused on #impact instead? Or #usefulness. Growth comes in many forms. Money is but one. And a lazy one at that.

ben johnson