How To Unleash Your Richness.
A friend's company is called Next Left. Great name.
The world needs more left turners. Or right, for that matter. Left or right, just not straight on. Or round and round. Unthinking. Unflinching. Unblinking.
Buried in us all is an urge to take a risk. It might shine more or less brightly, but it's there, made murky by our need to survive, to fit in, to be accepted by the group, the tribe.
But risk takers we need.
Like taking a risk on radical new ways of living and working.
Financial growth is a pervasive story. Year on year. Never ending. But it's a fools logic, a false prophet.
Sure, a little bit of growth is good. The Buddha taught as much. Growing in capability and growing your resources to invest in those around you.
But untrammeled growth is dangerous. Its eating the ground on which we live.
It's time to turn left. Get of the super highway of financial growth for ever and turn left (or right) to other things. Like connection.
Complexity science and network theory now knows what ancient wisdom has always known. That we're the sum of connections we have with others, that relationship is everything, that we thrive, as do our cells, in self organising networks. Jeremy Lent paints this picture in his amazing book,Web of Meaning. (thanks to Kees Klomp for the pointer).
In your work, in your business, don't chase growth, chase connection.
Judge success by the value you bring, not what you take, and by the quality of the relationships you have. Focus here and trust that reward for your effort and endeavour will follow. It'll certainly be a more enjoyable journey.
In two weeks, I’ll publish my new ebook - Buddha on the Board. If you want first dibs, hit reply and say ‘YES!”.