Are You Sitting Still?

Mervyn King, ex Governor of the BoE, was watching the tennis last week. And Tom Cruise too, of course. They made reference to King’s book, Radical Uncertainty, which explains why predicting things is inherently unreliable.

So, when the world is perceptually in flux, what to do? Being here, now, seems a good place to start.

Environmental, ecological, political, financial, technological stresses are shaping the commercial and cultural context in significant ways. Amidst this uncertainty, organisations are struggling with agility, response-ability (and maybe an increasingly threatening existential question: given all the change and uncertainty, what work do you do?).

An organisation's ability to sit amidst complexity and uncertainty and respond, to be in the present, to be well intentioned - do these not read like characteristics of a zen like mind?

Which begs the question, might practise not be a strategic advantage?

The Mind, Spiritben johnson