Slow Down And Be More Tortoise

Everybody knows the tortoise beat the hare.

Yet still…

We run our businesses like hares.

We work like hares.

Some people even relax like hares.

Running too fast is bad.

We might trip.

And / or run out of steam.

And it’s tiring. Exhausting.

When we’re running too fast, our minds are stuck in some place ahead of us. Not here. Not now. Out there.

I need more pipeline. I need more sales. I need more customers. More, more, more. Run, run, run.

Our expectations amplify. The noise in our heads turns up. And then we trip. And / or run out of steam.

It might happen in weeks. Maybe months. Or years. But run out of steam you will.

Constantly growing is a hare story. It’s a story of speed and first mover advantage and year on year growth.

Someone was on the radio this morning talking about the corporate property market. I know. Each to their own. “Yes, there will be some changes” they acknowledge. But worry not “we’re expecting the market to grow a lot this year’. Hmmm. really? And, quite honestly, who cares? His market is not going to grow this year. And neither should it. Nothing wrong with that either.

I’m not a religious man. But one man’s big guy told a story of six growth years and the seventh fallow. Behind the bluster of religion are interesting stories which talk to common truths.

Nothing grows for ever.

And the hare doesn’t win.

Slow and steady.

Business, Workben johnson