You'll Find More Opportunity In Fewer Clients

Kevin Kelly taught us the importance and opportunity of 1,000 true fans. Worry about 1,000 people who might invest £100 a year in buying your stuff, each year.

VC money men Andreessen Horowitz scaled it down (up) further again. Average spend on Patreon and similar sites is actually closer to $1,000, leaving you to focus on fewer, but more valuable fans. Maybe 100.

For you, the entrepreneur, the pioneering misfit growing and building you work, inspiring your people, I say 10.

Worry really, truly about 10 true fans.

You can know ten clients and customers intimately. Not just their birthdays, but a sense of their daily rise and fall, their wins and losses; what’s turning them on, so to speak, and turning them off. Their daily struggles.

Your job, your opportunity, is to be in partnership with these people. And to be in partnership, you need to know them. The closer and richer the partnership, the more valuable it will be. And the more valuable it is, the more you can (rightfully) earn. And the more you can earn, the less you’ll need to chase more clients and do work which sucks your energy, time and creative juices. For these are your lifeblood. Give away at your peril.

Start here.

Who are your ten?

Wondering how you’ll grow your business with just ten clients? Sign up to catch up!