Opportunity Is Found In Connection.

Growth is the story of our (quite brief) time.

But growth is a false prophet. Chase connection instead.

You’re only as strong as the network you help.

Someone said you’re the sum of the five people you spend most of your time with. This speaks to connection, to relationships shaping who we are.

Nature teaches this too. Scientists increasingly teach the interconnection between things. Merlin Sheldrake wrote an entire book on it. Fungi. Mushrooms. Products of nature, networks of interconnection.

We might say the same of our business, of our work: products of nature, networks of interconnection.

The interconnection comes in different forms, of course.

Networks of suppliers, partners, employees, contractors, clients, communities. Each making our work possible while we do similar for theirs.

Sebastian Buck wrote a great Fast Company piece some months back on rethinking the metrics of success.

Maybe the move from money as primary measure of success to strength of connection/health of network might be part of that re-think?

You’re only as strong as the network you help, after all.

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