We Need A New Voyage Of Discovery.

When In Doubt, Go Deep.

An initiation, a coming of age ceremony, is central to most ancient cultures. 

The Aborigines went Walkabout.

A journey where boy becomes man. He travels the land to  learn and practise the arts and crafts necessary to sustain his life and sustain the earth on which his life depends.

We live in different times. Yet are we so different? On the clicking clock of time, we’re the shortest of hops from our indigenous cousins. 

The old model was broken. We were disconnected. Workplace upon workplace stuffed full of disconnected, disenfranchised, disbelieving nodes, which pays for nobody.  

To rewrite our corporate and commercial future, we need a new voyage of discovery. 

We need to break the cycle of the past. 

Yes, we’ve immersed in the largest ‘work from home' experiment ever conducted; yes we’ve interrupted our social and buying and daily habits, but the pull of the old runs deep. 

Do we really want to go back? 

Or do we want to orientate to a more positive, connected, generous and creative future? 

To shackle free of the past we need a modern day walkabout.

We need to take the lessons of those who’ve travelled before and head into a new journey of discovery. 

We need a modern day walkabout. 

But, like a walkabout, it’s not for everyone. 

It’s for the ready, the aware, the curious, the interested, the hungry. For those who know the old is up. For those who know that turning to face the new is scary and exciting and uncertain and unnerving all at the same time. For those who see clues to the new hiding in the abundant, regenerative, iterative and creative ways of nature. For those who know new is not necessarily better. The best ideas have stood the test of time. Don’t be afraid to look back. All the way back. Thousands of years, if necessary. 

As human beings we are endowed with huge pools of creativity, wisdom and ingenuity. Yet these remain dulled by our dopamine fuelled lives and narrow existence. 

We need to reconnect to the wisdom hiding in our day-to-day, hiding all around us. 

But first, to break the cycle of the old, we need to step out, to pause. 

A Walkabout might have taken years. 

We need not start there. 

Start instead with a day. 

A day of disconnection. Turn off everyday sights and sounds. No email. No phone. No ‘work’. Marinade in the space. And dip into other wisdom, other ideas, not of the mainstream. Learn from ancient wisdom.

What might the Wayfinders teach us? 

Or First Nation Indian? 

Will we come to understood the cost and loss of our “refugee status”, disconnected from the land?

What will we learn about the importance of place, of the land, of our relationship to each other? 

A Walkabout of sorts. 

You might think these ideas are not for you, not relevant to your business, your life.

Then you’d be right.

They are not for you.

We are only interested in the interested.

These thoughts are for you.

For you, take a day to go Walkabout.