Will Your Company Be A T-Rex Or A Chicken?

Did you know the chicken is the closest living relative of the T-Rex?

What was once the most feared, dominant, predator, ruler of the lands, now a fidgety, jittery provider of eggs.

These things can change on a die. Or a meteor. Or Covid.

In the good ol’ days you’re the industry T-Rex.

And then a Covid shaped meteor hits. The skies go dark. The world changes.

Your food disappears. The old rules, even just a few, change. And with it goes everything that was sure.

And slowly (or quickly, who knows?) the T-Rex disappears. Evolutionary step by evolutionary step, the once proud, ferocious, giant T-Rex becomes chicken.

Is / was your company a T-Rex?

And tomorrow?

Choices made today will shape tomorrow.

Will you be T-Rex or chicken?

Business, Natureben johnson