Yesterday The World Got Crazy(er).

Trillions of dollars of imaginary money wiped from the value of real companies. In one day.

People went mad.

They were crazy, delirious, worried.

At its heart was a frenzied lack of perspective (of a cold and flu which has assumed mythic proportions).

When you’re caught in the midst of mania the best thing to do is…. nothing.

Don’t sell.

Don’t buy.

Don’t change everything because of what you imagine is going to happen on a hypothetical tomorrow.

This is of course easier said than done. You can’t unplug from the mania when you’re in it. You need to be rested on the outside to enjoy the wisdom of the outside.

The wisdom of the outside knows that the same strategy applies whatever the craziness of the day.

Make useful things which last. And orientate to the long term.

Do that and you’ll be fine.

Oh and practise slow moving wisdom. Free of the craziness of the day.