We Want Better Work To Do.

We need work.

It makes us feel good, connected, useful.
It’s where we go to contribute, to be seen and heard.
Most of us exchange it for money.

Yet many are stuck working for companies we don’t like, doing work we don’t identify with, for clients and customers we care not about - whatever the company mission statement says.

We don’t believe these things.

Kees Klomp made the excellent point in his recent interview on the Happy Entrepreneur podcast with Dr. Carlos Saba and Laurence McCahill; if your purpose needs broadcasting, it’s a lie. Purpose is made real in our behaviour and everyday actions. Or it isn’t.

There is a huge amount of work which needs doing.

The soil needs to be made healthy. As does food.
The air needs cleaning.
The systems on which we depend need healing.
Children need schooling which serves them for the world they’re inheriting.
Companies need to rethink, refocus and reorientate.

People want to be excited to do work which demands a lot of their creativity and ingenuity. They want to do work which leaves more than it takes. They want to contribute.

And anything that falls short is a waste.

Work, Nature, Businessben johnson