Survivial Of The Fittest (and most nimble, focused and energetic)!

The shop around the corner has been trying to close.
There was lockdown, shutdown. Not to mention a dying high street.
Throw in changing circumstances, an increased commute for shopkeeper extraordinaire, Simone, and the whole proposition made less and less sense. To her.
But the customers, they disagreed.
They kept buying, even when the shop was closed during the dark days of lockdown.
They flocked in as the closing down sale signs went up.
They complained. They demanded more!
They wanted the shop open!

Imagine that?

The ultimate test of your business; would your customers care if you were no more?

If not, they’ll likely leave you for another - whether more convenient, better looking or newer - at some point soon(er or later). If just a few would shout and scream, complain and worry about you being no longer, then you’re winning.

Existing in this sweet spot of demand is hard. It can only ever be for a few. But the few are infinitely more valuable than the many. It means there is a perfect alignment between the needs and wants of the people who buy from you and the things you sell and how you sell them.

Big companies chase this goal, this ideal, but accommodating the many requires too much compromise. Yes, it might make for more, bigger money but the cost to sustain so many needs is expensive.

Be nimble. Be small. Be focused. And with it, be truly valuable.

Business, Workben johnson