Collaboration Isn’t Something You Can Or Will Learn.

In the last ten years, more business books have been written about collaboration than in the preceding 100 years.

Ok, that’s a 100% made up fact, albeit one which feels true (and, more importantly, suits my story).

Collaboration talks to something important. But it’s not something to learn.

Our life, work and businesses are the sum of our connections. These might be family connections, business connections, employee, partner, supplier connections. The health of our life, work and business might be defined by the quality of our connections.

Healthy connections are balanced, respectful, generous and mutually beneficial. This is true whatever the domain.

We have been practising these kinds of connections for tens of thousands of years.

We know collaboration intimately, innately. It’s not something to learn, its something we already know.

And it starts with listening.

ben johnson