Dance With Your Market.

Imagine you’re looking at something through a lens, a camera, binoculars. At first, the image appears bleary. Soft edged. Fuzzy. But, as you play and tweak, adjust the focus, slowly the image clarifies. It’s a dance. A little game.

Sales is like this; a dance. A game.

A transaction happens when the image clarifies, when the two parts, you and them, align.

Sales is the journey to find that place.

You get there starting with the customer. Who are they? What do they like? What do they not like? What are they scared of? How do they see themselves?

The more you know, the shorter the journey to crystal clear alignment. Sometimes we land on that place accidentally or instinctively. That’s all good. But that is not a long term plan.

Developing your business, your project, requires plans, intentionality. Customers don’t just arrive waiving money in your face, not all the time anyway. Not even most of the time (even if they do some of the time!).

Translating what you do to your market is a huge driver of your success. This is not a one time hit. It’s a game, a dance. What might hit for one, misses for another. You need to take time, to understand your customers start point. What do they like, do they dislike? What are they scared of? What do they want to belong to? Do they feel recognised? Are they a risk taker? Do they feel powerful? These are just few of the lenses through which we see the world.

These shape the emotions which shape our moods, our thoughts, which in turn shape our decisions whether to buy from you or not.

Finding the magic ‘X’, is a dance.

Know the underlying drivers which affect how your market thinks, feels and does and you’re most of the way to creating some pull, some velocity for your business.

ben johnson