Ben & Jerry's chilly reality.

There is ice cream which doesn’t like Donald Trump.

Do your products like Donald Trump?

Ben & Jerry’s made an ice cream which doesn’t like Donald Trump. It’s called Pecan Resist. Ok, the ice cream can’t like or dislike a man, a President. Even Donald Trump.

But it can stand for something. Everything can stand for something. Everything does stand for something. But how much?

Companies too often make products and services to stand for not very much. To polarise as little as possible, to appeal to the widest theoretical market. But smaller, better, stronger is better. Create products and services which stand for something, which polarise, which are for you, but not them. No need to be mean, but be something.

If ice cream can stand for something, so can your products, services, company and people. And what’s more, it pays.

ben johnson