When Today's Grinding Wood Obscures Tomorrow's Beautiful Forest

The relentless chase of the monthly, quarterly or even six month target can feel like an everyday grind. A stress, a constant worry. A grind which makes it hard to see the wonder of tomorrow’s beautiful forest.

If you’re stuck in the grind of the chase, create something else to chase instead. 

Shake the bottle, wake the drink. 

Look up, look ahead. 

Re-orientate to a new set of targets for the coming 12 months, not 12 weeks? 

Can we do twice the amount of business from half the number of clients? 

What would the business look like for this to be true? 

Or can we do twice the amount of business with half the numbers of people? 

What would the business look like for this to be true? 

Sometimes shifting perspective, asking a different set of questions, opens an unseen vista. It can free you up to look ahead with excitement not down with worry.

ben johnson