Hello, I’m Ben Johnson.
I’ve created, bought and sold companies.
I routinely sit meditation retreats.
I like Buddhists and Daoists.
Broadly, my work is in service of helping you - and your companies - get unstuck, re-find joy and settle into your richer future - healthier, wealthier, more content.
I learn from, and work in service of, nature, and systems bigger than you and me.
I find joy and impact in simple pleasures.
And wish the same for you.
I coach, write, teach and talk, helping you to simplicity, clarity and calm.
Here’s what I’m currently up to (11/’24):
❤️ Developing LeanMind - distilling 2,500 years of wisdom into ten little steps helping leaders back to clarity and calm, whatever your stress and busy. Bite size, to your phone. Launching early ‘25. Beta testers invited. Sign up here.
💜The (Un)Learning Academy, working with up to 15 senior leaders, visionaries and entrepreneurs to unstuck their work and companies, find new joy and navigate their always uncertain future. Curious? Have a read of this and email for more info.
❤️Check out Peripheral Thinking: my blog and podcast: celebrating people and ideas from the margins, the periphery. Currently on season 2.
🧡I co-own the online platform, Sangha.Live, home to 100,000 beautiful people learning to sit down, be quiet and meditate.
💜 I write a weekly newsletter helping thousands of you to simplicity, clarity and calm. Sign up here.
All this in service of unraveling and raveling back together again.
“Ben occupies a rare middle ground where mindfulness and deep entrepreneurial and commercial experience meet. Working together, Ben helped me slow down to greater clarity, deeper self awareness, better prioritisation, clearer focus and stronger belief, helping me grow new businesses, and reach, value and impact in the process.”